Luxuriöser Kontaktklub
 English   Deutsch   čeština 

Terms and conditions

1 Liability


This service is dedicated for contact advertising among the club members.


This service is provided as is. The provider of this service has no liability for its functionality or its suitability for some purpose. The provider has the right to decide who can use this service and can deny access to any user. There is no guarantee of the availability of this service in the future. The provider can switch off this service at any time (especially for maintenance reasons).


These terms and conditions may be available in different languages. Legally binding is the wording in the English language.


These terms and conditions can be changed at any time without any prior notice and the user shall adapt to them or immediately stop using this service.

These terms and conditions were last changed on 30th September 2020.

2 Client obligations


The client can use the photos and personal data of the hostesses only for his own private purpose to make contacts with the hostesses. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Especially it is not allowed to distribute the personal data in any form, even not to other clients of

3 The provider


The provider of this service is ENTERNIA companies.

4 Personal data


The processing of personal data provided by the user to the provider is done on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and adheres to its law order.


The user confirms, that he was instructed about the right to access his personal data.

4.3 Basic terms and information

Personal data – personal data is every information about identified or an unidentified natural person (data subject).

Data subject – data subject is a natural person, which personal data refer to and which it is possible to identify by personal data or which is identifiable.

Personal data administrator - an administrator is a natural or legal person, which defines aims and means of personal data processing and which is primarily accountable for processing. Unless stated otherwise in these policies or terms of service, the personal data administrator is ENTERNIA companies.

Personal data processor - The processor is a natural or legal person which processes personal data on behalf of the controller on the ground of the controller’s instructions.

Processing of personal data - processing means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Which legal regulation covers personal data processing? The processing of personal data is governed primarily by Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 from 27. April 2016 about protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and to the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Regulation on the protection of personal data).

4.4 Processing of personal data

To what extent will be my personal data processed?
We will process your personal data to the extent in that they have been provided to us, namely: the name, surname, date of birth, height, e-mail, telephone number, home address, your work preferences and your photos.

For what purpose will my personal data be processed?
We will process your personal data for the purpose of providing contact services.

What is the legal basis for processing?
The legal basis for the processing of your personal information is sending your application.

How long will you process my personal data?
We will process your personal data for the duration of your consent, unless your consent to the processing of your personal data is revoked.

How and when can I revoke the consent to processing of personal data?
Your voluntary consent to the processing of your personal data may be revoked at any time free of charge by sending an email to: or by requesting to deactivate the account and delete personal information in your profile (at By revocation of consent is not influenced the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior during the time before revocation of consent. Revocation of consent also has no effect on the processing of personal data processed on the basis of a legal basis other than consent (that means in particular, if the processing is necessary to fulfill the contract, legal obligation or for other reasons stated in the applicable legislation).

Who will have access to my personal data?
We will have access to your personal data as an Administrator.

Will my personal data be transferred outside the EU?
Your personal data will not be transferred outside the EU.

How can I contact you as an Administrator?
To manage your personal information, please contact us on: In this case, we are entitled to request proof of your identity in order to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing your personal data. In order to increase the quality of the services and to keep records of the fulfillment of the legal duties of the administrator, all communication between you and the administrator is monitored.

What rights do I have in relation to the protection of personal data?
In relation to your personal data, you have the following rights in particular:
a) the right to revoke your consent any time
b) the right to correct or supply the personal data;
c) the right to require processing restrictions;
d) the right to object or complain against processing in certain cases;
e) the right to request the transfer of data;
f) the right of access to personal data;
g) the right to be informed about a personal data security breach in certain cases;
h) he right to delete personal data (the right to be "forgotten") in certain cases; and
i) other rights stated in General Personal Data Protection Regulation No 2016/679.

Am I required to provide my personal data? What if I do not provide my personal data?
You provide your personal data entirely voluntarily. You have no obligation to provide them. If you do not provide your personal information, there are no sanctions. The provision of personal data is a condition of applying for our service, therefore you do lose our service and all its benefits.

How are my personal data secured?
All personal data you provide are secured by standard procedures and technologies. However, it is not objectively possible to fully guarantee the security of your personal data. Therefore, it is not even possible to ensure 100% that personal data provided cannot be accessed by a third party, cannot be copied, disclosed, altered or destroyed by breaking the security measures of the controller. In this context, however, the administrator warrants that it regularly checks whether the system is free from vulnerabilities and is not exposed to an attack and uses such security measures that can reasonably be required from the administrator to prevent unauthorized access to the personal data provided and which, regarding the current state of technology provides sufficient security. The security measures adopted are then regularly updated. However, each data subject is responsible for retaining its unique password and other information about any accounts in secret and for permanent control over access to its account.